Just a reminder, we will be having the PCPHC Pirate float sign up starting on MONDAY! It will in the next newsletter and sign up will be posted on the PCPHC Members only page NOT THIS PAGE. If you are a PCPHC Member and haven't joined yet, you may want to do it asap. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE- YOU MUST ANSWER ALL 3 Questions when joining because if I can not confirm you facebook name (because it may not have your first and last name) then I can look it up by your Phun name. Please follow directions! www.facebook.com/groups/8256261661075265/
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
Large Event of the year, come on folks, register and Vote!
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
Just a reminder, we will be having the PCPHC Pirate float sign up starting soon! It will in the next newsletter and sign up will be posted on the PCPHC Members only page. If you are a PCPHC Member and haven't joined yet, you may want to do it asap.www.facebook.com/groups/8256261661075265/
We feel the issues with the new PCPHC- Members Only Page has been resolved. If you are a current PCPHC member, please click the link to join. You will need to answer the 3 questions asked. If your EMAIL address with your PCPHC Membership is the SAME as your FACEBOOK email address, you will be automatically approved for access after answering the 3 questions. If it is NOT the SAME email address, then we will have to approve it manually, so please be patient.....We don't live in front of our computers...although I feel like I do some days.We will continue to have the Public Panama City Parrot Head Club page as well. The PCPHC Members Only page was created in order to post and discuss club business, club information and provide transparency within the club. The Board of Directors meetings will be live streamed on the private page as well as posting meeting minutes, club Newsletter, club discussion. If you have issues joining the page, please email me at MaryPhillipsReed@gmail.com Phins UP!!! www.facebook.com/groups/8256261661075265/
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
Newsletter went out Yesterday. Thank you for being patience. If you did not get it, please email me at MaryPhillipsReed@gmail.com I am in the process of updating our list of members who are not getting the email via constant contact. (and please be NICE or I may not response.. LOL.... No Really!)As you may be aware, the Panama City Parrot Head Club has created a MEMEBERS only page. This page will allow for more transparency within the Panama City Parrot Head Club. Board meeting will be available for viewing, Meeting Minutes available for members and private and confidential club things will be posted.We will be posting meeting dates and times on BOTH pages but member only events will be only posted on the Private PCPHC page or put in the Newsletter. Reminder, ParrotHead Rendezvous is open to everyone, the general public because it is a fundraising event so it will be posted on BOTH Pages. Please note that the Facebook link in the Newsletter did not expire in July. I just forgot to take off that part.....That's what happens when you do the Newsletter at 2 am. We have had issues sharing the link and inviting members to the page and greatly appreciate your patience and understanding. When a link is sent out it will only allow 20 new people OR 2 days after the link is issued, once the link expires and a new link must be issued. We can also add members by sending an email via Facebook to your email address but it is limited to 30 email invites per DAY and must be keyed in individually. With over 500 members that is very time consuming. Over the next week, I will be sending the Facebook link every 2 days for people to join as well as sending emails via Facebook. Once you join, PLEASE help by inviting other PCPHC Members to the page. If you are currently a member of the NEW PCPHC Facebook page, you can invite other PCPHC members to the page. Please help us out and do so. When joining the new page, you MUST answer all 3 questions or your access WILL BE DENIED. I will also be at the Membership table on Friday, if you would like assistance in joining the PCPHC Members Only Page. Thank you, Mary ReedMembership Chairperson
Meeting Tomorrow! DATE: Friday, September 6, 2024TIME: 5:30 pm- 8:00 pmLOCATION: El Rodeo1136 Thomas DrivePanama City, FL 32408Music by: Martin Rodriquez Charity: Margaret K. Lewis School
In an effort to keep events private to members, we have a new facebook page for members only. Our next newsletter will have an invitation to join so that members get information on upcoming events. Events will no longer be posted on this page. Please use that link within the first two days of opening your newsletter or it becomes invalid. If your membership has lapsed, you will not receive the newsletter, but please feel free to rejoin so we can continue to party with a purpose! panamacityphc.org/new-member-sign-up/
Avast me mateys! We be preparing for Rendezvous, and need all hands on deck! Meet Thursday, August 22 at the Majestic Beach Towers at 5:30. 10901 Front Beach Rd. Park in the garage off Leary or Parkside Circle. The guard will direct you to the front parking lot where you will take the elevator to the 4th floor. Go to the board room at the end of the hall on the right to be greeted by your crew mates. Don't make us force you to walk the plank! We really do need your help!