From the PCPHC, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and happy holidays to all. Have a SAFE holiday season and see you again January 3. We have a big year in front of us, and one last thing: Ain’t it great to be a Parrot Head!!
Always needing volunteers and input on our "Super Bowl" i.e., Parrot Head Rendezvous. The Rendezvous committee is meeting Tuesday, 12/17 at 5 pm at the Majestic on Front Beach road. When pulling into the parking deck, tell the guard you are there for a Parrot Head meeting and park. Go up to the 4th floor and past the Theater is a conference room. This is across the street from the actual Majestic condo. EVERYBODY is invited if you want to help or have input.
Come join your fellow parrot heads for a moving ceremony and to honor our veterans. 
Parrottead Christmas Party at Shuckums PCB 12.6.25.Thank you Shuckums for Hosting our 2024 Christmas Party!Thank you Jeff and the Camaros for the Fantastic Music.Parrotthead Christmas Party at Shuckums 12.6.25. Everyone Enjoyed themselves.
Bowling TODAY at Rocket Lanes. Big phun starts at 2:00 Come early to register!
Hey! It's 5 o'clock somewhere, and today is the last day to buy your Christmas party tickets! Visit the members only fb page to purchase. If you need to re-up your membership, or join, visit first. Its going to be a real phun time!
We have so much to be thankful for! Everyone have a great and SAFE day. It's great to be a Parrot Head!