David Matthews has stepped up and is our elections chairman! Thanks Dave! So here is the deal, starting NOW–yes right now, until May 22 is our nomination period. If you want to nominate someone for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Member at Large 1 and Member at Large 2, send an email to:
David will get that email and will then email that person and say “You have been nominated for this position, do you accept the nomination?” Hopefully the person cheerfully accepts! This goes on until May 22. The BOD then “approves” the list of nominees, and beginning May 25, emails will be sent to the whole club, listing the nominees, and your vote should be sent to:
There are several new members who will probably get nominated this year–and you probably know who you are. Talk amongst yourselves, try to put a team together if you can, that’s all cool. Then from May 25 I think until June 15 is the vote, though it is usually really finished within a few days.
I know I speak for Geno, and Marty, and really everyone on the BOD, you will get 100% participation and help from the current board. A President can appoint positions, a President can appoint an entertainment chair to help with bands, a communications chair to help with emails, and a Rendezvous chair (hopefully not the same person!). The President appoints the membership chair, to make badges (though we are trying to automate that process). Our core group knows all the local bars and the ones that can take us now, our core group knows all the musicians, and there are new ones popping up all the time. We will be glad to help. We are already set up through the summer with locations, No Name on first Friday, and Deckhand Social for 3rd Friday of every month.
So first we get our BOD together and on track, and then we can start talking about that “R” word.
Our club is growing like weeds and our future is bright, if we have participation to make it right–the same people can’t keep doing this. Our elections chairperson will not list anyone running until May 25, his leaps are sealed!! (but a cold beer might help that).
Thank you all Parrot Heads for a fun fun year that we have had.